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Your Business: Income vs Asset

Mar 17, 2025

Are you building a company that focuses on providing you an income?
Or are you building a company that is an asset?
The majority of businesses (roughly 80%) are built with the purpose of providing an income to the owner.
To stay out of financial survival mode, the owner has setup the company to provide an income stream to him/herself. This requires the owner to work in the business.
Most owners focused on an income will not spend much of their time on growing the business. If they grow the business, it will mean more work for themselves.
That is why it is easy to get stuck at certain growth hurdles, where sales and profit stall out.
The other challenge with a business built for providing an income is it isn’t worth very much. 
Prospective buyers are not looking for an income stream. If they were, they would go get a job.
What they are looking for is to buy a business that has been built as an asset, rather than as an income stream.
When you build your business as an asset that operates and grows without you, it is worth exponentially more.
Why? It is what top buyers are looking for. People are willing to pay more for it. 
An asset can provide the freedom and flexibility that comes with growing sales, consistent cash flow, and a team that cares as much as you do.
And isn’t this actually what you are looking for as well?
Once you have this type of asset, you will want more of them.
You will want a set of assets that serve you so you are not dependent on just one. 
When you build your business as an asset, you will have the freedom to focus on wealth building – creating more assets that are built to serve you.
You are where you are because everything you have done to this point.
Perhaps you have been more focused on income than you are on building an asset.
It’s not always an easy shift to make.
It’s what I love to do – help other business owners create an asset rather than an income stream. 
Life changes in so many positive ways when you leave your job behind and begin building for wealth.
Let me show you the way.
I have built multiple streams of income and I am designing each to be an asset.
Reach out to and I will help you in the transition from income to asset.
Have a great week, my friend!

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