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Sell Them What They Want

Sep 09, 2024

The terms “sales and marketing” have largely been misunderstood, because individual experiences have led to our perception of these two business terms.

In general, most people love to buy but hate to be sold something.

People think there is something dirty about the selling process and it requires manipulation to be done correctly.

That is only if someone doesn’t want what you are selling.

There is a way to change this misconception, and make it so you attract prospects and clients, rather than having to sell them.

Let me explain-

The old way of selling was to “sell them what they need.”

Let’s say you sold a weight loss program.
Or had a program to help people quit smoking.
Sure, people might need these programs, and you would have some success trying to sell people who need one of these programs.

But they might not want to lose weight, or quit smoking.
It might take a lot of work to get them to enroll in either of these programs.

The new way of selling is to “sell them what they want.”

If someone wants to quit smoking, or wants to lose weight, all you have to do is explain your program, and give them some proof that you can help get them results and then will likely buy from you.

You separate those who want your product or service from those who don’t.
I call it getting someone to “raise their hand.”

A simple survey, quiz, assessment, audit, or questionnaire can tell you what your prospect wants.

In our industry, let’s take “laundry service” as an example.

If you can determine if someone wants their laundry done for them, they will be much more likely to use your laundry service.

On your website, you can create what’s called a lead magnet... a PDF a prospect can have emailed to them titled, “The 7 benefits to outsourcing your family’s laundry.”

You can point to this link from your social media channels, and even digital ads.

When someone “opts in” for this article, they are showing interest in this service, and more than likely want someone to do their laundry for them. They want it.

By capturing their email, you can follow up with them to see if they have any questions after reading the laundry service PDF, and if they are ready to get started on one of your programs.

Your retail team could wear pins saying, “Ask me about our LAUNDRY SERVICE!”
When someone shows interest, you can help them understand the benefits of your laundry service.
They likely want what you have.

You can turn prospects into buyers much quicker when it is something they want.

When someone wants something, they are actively seeking a solution to a problem they have or a desire that is unfulfilled.

Make sure you are selling people services that they want rather than need.

Have a great week!


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