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Positive Attitude

Aug 12, 2024

You don’t create success. You attract it. To attract success, you must have a positive attitude.

Most of us are really good at visualizing the negative.

If you ask someone what they want in life, they will stumble around and might not have a very clear answer.

But ask someone what they don’t want, and you will find they can usually tell you this quite clearly. They don’t want to be poor, they don’t want to be overweight, they don’t want to be unhappy, they don’t want to be lonely, etc.

Try to focus on the opposite of what you want which is usually the opposite of what you don’t want.

You get to choose the lens through which you view your life, and everything around you. You can choose to see opportunities, abundance, grace, and kindness or you can choose to see everything that is wrong in the world. The choice is yours.

Negative thinking can put you in a tailspin of emotions while a positive attitude can be the catalyst that helps you to grow and achieve everything in life that is meaningful and motivating to you.

The best marketers and business owners are positive. They look for the best in everything around them.

The truth is the world is a reflection of who you are.

Be positive. Look for the best in every situation. If someone cuts you off in traffic, assume it is because they are rushing to the hospital due to a medical emergency rather than being a jerk to you.

This positivity will flow into all parts of your life and your work.

Have a great week!

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