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High ROI Marketing

Aug 19, 2024

On a drycleaning forum recently, someone asked if anyone could share marketing ideas that could provide a large return on investment. I believe the person making the post was completing an acquisition of another company, but the advice my friend gives below is valid for an acquisition and also can be used to market to your own existing client database.

Now is a great time to think about tactics, as we approach the change of seasons. The changes of seasons are the times of year when your sales can spike the highest. During the transition, your clients are putting away one seasonal wardrobe and pulling out another. This usually creates an increase of business. It also brings out your clients and prospects who might use you less frequently.

My friend, Cohen Wills, who owns both Sage Cleaners in Tampa, Florida and also the marketing agency Cleaner.Marketing that works exclusively with drycleaners, provided some great answers to the question of the highest ROI marketing tactics. And with all the drycleaners he works with, he should know!

Here are Cohen’s suggestions:

1. Database reactivation – sounds like a fancy term but just make a list of clients who haven’t used your services in the past 60 days, but had used your services within the past year. Create a flash sale with an irresistible offer (aka bait) and reel them back in. Let them know you’re the owner and miss seeing them. The offer is irresistible if you stop when sorting the mail, and say “I HAVE to use this.”
2. Comforter promotion at a flat price to clients. You can also do pressed bed linens for higher end cleaners. 100% of your clients have a comforter on their bed and 90% of them are nasty. For you, it will be the most profitable offer that you can really scale.

Cohen goes on in his response to say that once you do these two high converting campaigns, you can turn your attention to Google Ads, then SEO, and lastly Facebook Ads.

I completely agree with all of this advice. A reactivation campaign will give you high ROI because these clients have already experienced what you have to offer. You had already invested in attracting, acquiring, and appreciating them on previous visits. You just need to reactivate them.

Comforters are my absolute favorite item we do. They require very little production labor, which is our largest expense line. Everyone has not just one comforter, but many comforters in their home. It’s not hard to convince people that their small home washer is not getting the comforters clean.

It is not just a coincidence Cohen and I think the same way about these High ROI marketing tactics. Cohen, his business partner Justin, and their team at Cleaner.Marketing take care of all of my automated marketing each month for In The Bag Cleaners, and it is an investment that delivers me a VERY high ROI!

One last tip from me – I would not depend on “just email” for reactivating clients. You need to include texting and direct mail, too. When only 20% of emails are getting opened, and only a fraction of those are being acted on, email should not be your only avenue for getting your message out.

Hope this was helpful, and thanks Cohen for letting me share your response in the forum!

Have a great week!


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