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Harness the Power of Referral Marketing

Jul 01, 2024

If there’s one thing every drycleaner could use, it is a consistent flow of new, ready-to-buy referral clients each day. However, like most things, it’s easier said than done.

Referrals are your second easiest client to sell to, only behind your current clients.

It is important to understand a few things about our clients. The average person has an immediate circle of influence of around 50 people. If a client is satisfied with your service, on average they will only tell three of those 50 people in their circle. The important thing to understand is that having a client be satisfied is NOT ENOUGH to get them to sing your praises.

None of your clients leave your store thinking, “How can I tell as many people as I possibly can about my experience at my drycleaner.” You’ve got to give them a reason, the tools, and a method to do it.

Your clients will refer others to your drycleaning business for three reasons:
1. For personal gain
2. To help people they know
3. To help you

Coming up with ways to reward your clients (discounts, prizes, gifts, a handwritten note, recognition, etc.) will satisfy the first point and is most common. You have to ask them to do it and tell them about the reward they will receive.

Giving your clients a tool (we use something we call the “Golden Ticket”) to give as a gift to someone they know is an excellent way to take care of the second point. You can eventually build a group of ambassadors who can become your unofficial sales team.

Finally, when you WOW them with a surprise or an exceptional level of service, they will often ask how they can repay you. A referral is the best suggestion you can give them.

I found the best way to get referrals is to be so unique our clients can’t help but to tell others about their experience. We give water, freshly baked cookies, welcome gifts, and random comp orders to our clients, not to mention our VERY friendly Client Care Advisors. Our competitors don’t do any of those things.

Another way to get referrals is to host an event where loyal clients are motivated to bring their friends, relatives, and neighbors. The event can serve as appreciation for your current client while attracting a new client at the same time.

All of these options will work. Just be very intentional. Tell your clients what you would like them to do for you and reward them when they do it.

Have a great week!


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