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Double Your Business

Sep 16, 2024

If you came to one of my workshops and I asked you to create a plan to double your business, could you do it?

Most people get tripped up on this question...

If you are working IN your business with your operations team, you will likely say it is not possible. Double the revenue means double the work. That does not seem possible or attractive to you.

Being the manager of your operations, you are more concerned with quality, quantity of items pressed, efficiency, workflow, and getting the work done on time. You are living in the present.

Who has time to dream about, or plan for, a doubled future when all your efforts are going to your present. You don’t.

Nobody on your team wants to grow exponentially.
It all comes down to you.
To double your business, you must get out of the daily operations and become an expert at marketing and growing your business.

Check this out... if I give you a penny, and it doubles each day for 30 days, do you know how much you will have at the end of the 30 days?


One month!
That is the power of compounding and exponential growth.
It is also the power of doubling.

This opportunity exists in thinking about, and planning, to double your business.
It is up to you. Nobody else.
Get out of the daily operations. Learn to exponentially grow your business.
That is why the largest companies in our industry have an owner that considers themselves the promoter of their services - rather than the provider of their services.

Enjoy where you are. But don’t normalize it to the point of complacency.

Shift from surviving the present to achieving a much greater future.
Learn the principles, strategies, and tactics that lead to exponential growth.

If you are going to the DL Expo West in Las Vegas, October 4-6, this is an example of what we will discuss during my talk Saturday, October 5th at 3:30pm.

Shoot me a quick email at dave@maverickdrycleaners and let me know you are going to the conference. I would love to say hi and show you some strategies to quickly move you to the next level of growth and prosperity.

Have a great week!


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