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Creating High Contrast Messages

Aug 26, 2024

Marketing has three key components:

  1. Market – define your ideal target client, also known as your avatar
  2. Message – what you tell your client so you can ethically persuade them to do business with you, or do more business with you
  3. Media – where you put your message so it will be well-received by your market (direct mail, Facebook, Google, text, email, etc).

Today, let’s focus on the message, and how a contrastable message can be very valuable in getting the attention of your market.

When you show a contrast in your messaging, you are explaining two different ends of a spectrum. One end is really bad (all the pain before the client uses your solution) and the other end is really good (once your client has found and is using your solution). Think of it like showing hell and heaven.

  • The company Purple Mattress has done a great job of this in their marketing showing the kind of sleep you get on a regular mattress versus the kind of sleep you get on a Purple mattress.
  • The fitness program P90X has done this very well by showing before and after pictures of their clients.
  • Teeth Whitening products and companies use this in almost every ad they run by showing before and after pictures.

As drycleaners, we can do this, too. Have your team take pictures of really challenging spots, stains, and discoloration then have them pair up pictures after they have gone through your process. The transformation will sell your services.

You can also take a blacklight and show comforters and bed linens before and after they were cleaned.

When the NBC show Dateline did this at hotels a couple of decades ago, it spurred a billion dollar change in how hotels presented their mattresses, bedding, and cleanliness.

You can create the same impact in your market.

Have a great week friends!


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