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Acquire New Mover Clients

May 06, 2024

One of the best ways to acquire new clients is to give an irresistible offer to people when they move into a new home or condo in one of your target areas. They are new to the neighborhood, and in many cases, new to the city. They often don’t know where to go for services, and so they are open to suggestions.

I would first determine your “10-20 Dream Neighborhoods.” These are the neighborhoods where your ideal clients live and where you would like to serve a significant amount of the residents – either pushing them to your nearby retail store, or by offering them home pickup and delivery service.

There are a number of ways you can get a list of new movers each month (or ideally, every two weeks). I strongly suggest you do not go back further than a month because the new movers will already have their new routines set by then. Here are three ways to find out who is moving into your Dream Neighborhoods:

1. Visit’s search criteria and choose homes sold using a recent date range.
2. Purchase a list from a mail house or go the Registrar of Deeds at the City Courthouse and ask for the addresses of new deeds registered.
3. Make friends with a real estate agent (maybe give them a free subscription for their clothing) who can pull a listing of recently sold homes in your trade area.

For any of these options, I would recommend you create a home value ”floor.” This means you will only market to homes or condos over a certain home value. I find this to be a much better indicator than income when it comes to finding our ideal clients.

Once you have a list from one of these sources, you can welcome your new prospective clients to the neighborhood with a letter, postcard, flyer, or package. Since these are ideal right-fit clients, I would encourage you to spend a little more money and deliver a “WOW” experience with your mailing or the package you drop off.

You might also think about giving a list of “Preferred Partners” as added values. These can be companies you recommend that offer services like: carpet cleaning, electrician, handyman, home security, house cleaning, heating/cooling, insurance, irrigation, lawn care, movers, painting, pest control, plumbing, roofing, and window cleaning.

These suggestions can be very valuable to a New Mover. This will allow the prospect to start seeing you as a trusted friend and relationship, rather than just a transaction.

Until you start pulling the lists, you might not know how many people move in and out of homes in your Dream Neighborhoods each month. This opportunity can offer a very quick return on your investment.

Have a great week, friend!



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